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When it comes to protecting mining shovels, lubricants have a crucial role to play, whether it’s in proper application practices or selecting the right lubricant. Each component requires the correct amount of lubricant to perform at an optimum level, which can, in turn, extend equipment life and reduce operating costs.
Over-lubrication is an issue that challenges mine operators and can cause significant damage to mining shovels. This problem can often be attributed to poor communication between mine operators working different shifts, lack of training on shovel lubrication systems and inspection and reporting, as well as misinterpreting how the lubricant should be applied or not selecting the right lubricant for the environmental working conditions. While using more lubricant may seem like a safe option, it could cause mechanical issues because when shovel gears or sticks are over-lubricated, the fluid can sag and drip off, leaving the metals exposed to contact. The result is unexpected maintenance costs and increased downtime while repairs are undertaken.
The impact of over-lubrication can be severe but also easily avoidable by focusing on proper application, enacting correct maintenance practices and minimizing workforce errors. Below are some techniques to consider when lubricating points on mining shovels.
House rollers and rails also have similar lubricant application practices to open gears and shovel sticks. A stubborn, black velvety film will be created when the correct amount of lubricant is used. In colder conditions, it is not necessary to apply more lubricant or pour oil onto the rollers as the lubricant is oil-based and will not dry out or freeze. This also results in making the equipment quieter.
While over-lubrication is a common issue, it is easily avoidable. The key is to keep all maintenance personnel and operators trained in proper lubrication techniques, that the lubrication system is operating efficiently and that the application doesn’t become a secondary consideration to choosing the right lubricant. Selecting the correct lubricant can result in extended equipment uptime, reduced maintenance costs and security of operational goals.
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[1] Увеличивать интервал замены следует только в сочетании с программой анализа масла. Подробную информацию можно найти в справочнике владельца или руководстве по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию.
[2]Сравнение SAE 15W-40 с HTHS 4,1 сП и 10W-30 с HTHS 3,5 сП.
[3] Использование масел для дизельных двигателей в бензиновых двигателях может отрицательно сказаться на сроке службы выхлопной системы. Правильный тип масла см. в справочнике владельца.
[4] Испытано в контролируемой среде, отражающей реальные условия. Сравнение 5W-30 и 10W-40. Повышение топливной экономичности для моторных масел более низкой вязкости зависит от различных внешних факторов, среди которых следующие: состояние транспортного средства, привычки водителя, местность, погодные условия, давление в шинах и сложность эксплуатационных условий.
[5] Получено техническое подтверждение соответствия эксплуатационным требованиям от Scania.
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