PURITY FG Chain Fluids

PURITY™ FG Cabinet

Compliant storage & management of your PURITY FG products

PURITY FG Cabinet imageThroughout the food industry, compliance in the storage and management of your food grade lubricants is a serious challenge. The solution is the Petro-Canada Lubricants PURITY FG Cabinet. Our purpose-built cabinet puts you in control.

  • Peace of mind. Fully audit compliant. Holds reference folders for all product safety and technical information
  • Clarity and efficiency. Clear product labelling & colour coding system greatly reduces the risk of misapplication
  • Protection and control. Prevents contamination and spillage risks, keeps all lubricants organised and easy to manage

  • Robust structure. Made from 304 stainless steel, the preferred grade for the food industry.
    Two options available:
    i. PURITY FG Cabinet Stand Only
    ii. PURITY FG Cabinet Stand and Equipment
    (Four standard jugs plus one measured pump jug, and two transparent grease guns)
  • Housekeeping sorted. Upright, bunded storage for oils & greases. Drip tray for grease guns
  • Safety. Locker for aerosols and cartridges; keep important products secure


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