Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod
  • Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod uses two ELTECO co-generators with Perkins 4016-E61-TRS gas combustion engines to supply their brickyard with electric energy and heat.
  • When these machines are out of operation for fluid change-outs or maintenance issues it can put a strain on the operation’s costs and productivity.
  • Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod saw a noticeable difference in performance compared to their previous engine oil after testing SENTRON LD 5000.
  • The conversion to SENTRON LD 5000 has allowed the Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod brickyard to improve their overall bottom line through reduced engine maintenance, extended drain intervals and decreased downtime each year. “SENTRON LD 5000 has helped to decrease drains from eight per year down to only four.”

About Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod

The Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod brickyard was established in 1977 and immediately became renowned as the first, fully-automated ceramic brick production site in Russia. Today, the Norskiy brickyard is the leading producer of high-quality ceramic bricks within the Russian construction industry.

Stack of bricks

“Since we switched to SENTRONTM LD 5000 for our gas combustion engines we’ve experienced nothing but success with the product. Combined with an effective maintenance program, we’ve been able to double our drain intervals to ~2,000 hours which helped to significantly reduce our annual downtime.”

Isayev Sergei Nikolayevich
Technical Director
Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod


(PDF, 367 KB)

Read the Case Study

Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod uses two ELTECO co-generators with Perkins 4016-E61-TRS gas combustion engines to supply their brickyard with electric energy and heat. When these machines are out of operation for fluid change-outs or maintenance issues it can put a strain on the operation’s costs and productivity.

"We produce over 80 million bricks every year so we need to be sure that the oil we use in our brickyard is up to the job,” says Isayev Sergei Nikolayevich. “Along with performance, we need our engine oil to help reduce equipment maintenance, increase uptime and improve cost savings.”

Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod decided to convert to SENTRON LD 5000 after seeking advice from an official partner of Petro-Canada Lubricants’ Russian Distributor, Petro-Lube LLC. Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod saw a noticeable difference in performance compared to their previous engine oil after testing SENTRON LD 5000.

“We were quick to see a difference with SENTRON LD 5000,” says Isayev Sergei Nikolayevich. “We’ve been getting longer life out of our engine oil than what we’ve experienced in the past and there has been a noticeable improvement in equipment productivity and efficiency.”

The conversion to SENTRON LD 5000 has allowed the Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod brickyard to improve their overall bottom line through reduced engine maintenance, extended drain intervals and decreased downtime each year.

“SENTRON LD 5000 has helped to decrease drains from eight per year down to only four. We’re pleased with the results of the switch,” says Isayev Sergei Nikolayevich.

With the support of Petro-Lube, the regional partner continues to help Norskiy Keramicheskiy Zavod through ongoing oil monitoring and product support.

SENTRON Low Ash Products


Premium oils with between 0.1% and 0.6% weight ash


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Gas Plant & Pipeline Lubricants


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