SENTRON Mid Ash Products


Premium Oils with between 0.6% and 1.0% weight ash

The SENTRON group of Mid Ash Products includes SENTRON SP 40, SENTRON CG 40 and SENTRON VTP 10W-40 Plus. These products are premium performance, long-life engine oils suitable for use where a mid ash content is required.

  • Outstanding anti-wear protection prevents scoring of cylinder liners and piston ring wear, while reducing carbon build-up

Suitable for 4-stroke cycle gas engines requiring a Mid Ash product with either traditional or non-traditional gas sources


SENTRON CG 40 (0.93% wt ash)

Outstanding anti-wear protection prevents scoring of cylinder liners and piston ring wear, while reducing carbon build-up.


SENTRON CG 40 is designed specifically for 4-stroke cycle gas engines running in severe service such as co-generation, sewage or sour gas or low halogen landfill gas operations. SENTRON CG 40 gives exceptional performance in turbocharged, naturally aspirated rich and lean burn gas engines as well. As it contains low levels of phosphorus and zinc, it may be suitable for use in engines equipped with certain catalytic converters.

OEM Approvals

For a list of current OEM approvals for SENTRON CG 40, please refer to our OEM approval table.



SENTRON VTP 10W-40 PLUS is recommended for applications such as smaller remote gas well head engines and gas line booster engines that are low emission.

OEM Approvals

For a list of current OEM approvals for SENTRON VTP 10W-40 PLUS, please refer to our OEM approval table.

OEM Approval



(PDF, 90 KB)

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