

The Tougher. The Better.

Productivity. Fuel economy. Vehicles that work more and get repaired less. These are the things that make a real difference to your business. Can a heavy-duty diesel engine oil really help deliver that?

DURON™ can.

In the toughest conditions from the hottest desert highways to freezing mines and construction sites, DURON proves every day that it can take vehicles farther between oil drains, keep them working reliably and help you save money for your business.

DURON is ready for every challenge. We say, bring it on. The Tougher, The Better.


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DURON Product Lines


DURON HP (High Performance) engine oil delivers on performance...


DURON SHP (Super High Performance) synthetic blend engine oils offer...


DURON UHP (Ultra High Performance) synthetic engine oils give you ultimate...

DURON™ Advanced

A Fuel Saving Oil for Advanced Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines.

DURON™ Monograde

Heavy-Duty Engine Oil

Monograde engine oils designed for diesel, gasoline...

DURON™ Classic

Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oils

Delivers the durability to protect engines...


Premium Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil A premium heavy duty diesel engine...


Specially formulated for outstanding performance in the extreme combustion...

Why Choose DURON?

Engine Protection & Durability

DURON is our most durable oil to meet the new category demands of API CK-4 and FA-4.

Surpassing the conditions of the Cummins ISB test, widely considered "one of the toughest engine performance tests," DURON provides high levels of engine protection to extend the life of your engines.

Learn more about Engine Protection & Durability >

Extended Drain Intervals

The longer your vehicles and equipment can go between oil drains, the better for your operations – and the lower your total lubricant costs will be.

The extreme durability of DURON means you can stretch drain intervals with no compromise on reliability or engine protection.[1]

Learn more about Extended Drain Intervals >

Extreme Operations

Temperature extremes are a big challenge for oil performance. Extreme high temperatures weaken and degrade ordinary engine oils and chilling temperatures impede oil flow.

Petro-Canada Lubricants are leaders in all season engine oils – and DURON delivers performance you can trust.

Learn more about Extreme Temperature Operations >

Fuel Economy

On and off-road, fuel consumption is a critical cost for every heavy-duty business. For both API CK-4 and FA-4, DURON has lower viscosity engine oils.

They can help to reduce the amount of viscous drag from the oil in the engine, allowing them to run more efficiently and potentially use less fuel.

Learn more about Enhanced Fuel Economy >

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