Railway Engine Oils

Railway Oils

Railway Oils

Locomotive journal bearing oils, and locomotive marine and stationary diesel engine oils

Red Giant Oil is also an HF Sinclair brand. As a result, we are able to offer RGO Locomotive Engine Oil 20W-40 G7 and RGO Journal Bearing Oil. Red Giant locomotive engine oil is an ashless-dispersant, non-zinc, non-chlorinated oil developed to meet the demands of modern railroads, stationary power generation, and marine heavy-duty diesel engines.

Red Giant Locomotive Engine Oil 20W-40 G7 is a multi-grade, 11 TBN, LMOA Generation 7 level engine oil and is approved by Progress Rail (formerly EMD) and Wabtec (formerly GE).

Red Giant Journal Bearing Oil is specifically designed for use in the journal bearings of locomotive and railroad cars and is suitable for use for GE D50E14, EMD EMS 1002 and AAR M-963 journal bearing oil specification requirements.

Additionally, we also offer RALUBETM. RALUBE 40 CFS is designed for severe service locomotive, marine and stationary power plant applications:

  • Chlorine and zinc-free chemistry provides improved oxidation resistance, wear protection and deposit control
  • Suitable for use for Progress Rail (formerly EMD), and Wabtec (formerly GE) equipment
  • Used in 2-cycle Detroit Diesel engines, including Series 149


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Our Railway Oils


Protection for severe service locomotive, marine and stationary engine.

Red Giant Locomotive Engine Oil

Meets the demands of modern railroad, stationary and marine heavy-duty diesel engines.

Red Giant Journal Bearing Oil

For use in the journal bearings of locomotive and railroad cars

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